„Travelling is the only thing you buy and it will make you richer.“


You can put up in our "travel boat" in a few seconds. You have everything you need to sleep inside (mattresses, sleeping bags, pillows, spare clothes, etc.). Just find the right place and dock…

Every roadboat is an original! You choose the size, colours, windows, interior layout. It all depends on your imagination (and the load capacity of your car roof)…

No wet gets in. You sleep dry in any weather. And through the ceiling windows you can watch the starry sky above you…


If your car has cross roof racks (whether for hagus or directly built into the roof), then it is a win-win. Our ROADBOAT weighs about 65-70 kg (depending on the type) and if your crossbars meet this load capacity, there is no problem.

The actual load capacity of the cross roof racks is much higher than the stated value, because the dynamic weight is calculated while driving. When the car is stationary, our ROADBOAT can carry all the travellers who can fit inside without a problem…

ROADBOAT cannot be put on crossbars, which are clamped in the door. Their load capacity is quite limited.

It is easy to attach the ROADBOAT to the crossbars. 2-3 adults are needed to put it on the roof in one piece. But ROADBOAD can be taken apart into a total of five separate parts, most of which can be mounted by one person (except the roof itself – one person can carry it, but you will need a partner to mount it)…

Yes, it is. We asked the Czech Republic Traffic Police and if you do not exceed the permitted dimensions and the permitted roof load of your car, it is no problem…

Yes. It has a waterproof finish. The roof is made of weather-resistant composite material. The sides and other wooden parts are painted with a waterproof paint.

We slept with the wind of 100 km/hour and there was no problem (roof tents have a big problem with the wind, our ROADBOAT does not)…

The crucial question – since each of our "travel ships" is an original, it is impossible to say the exact amount in advance. After a telephone arrangement we send several designs according to the customer's requirements. Afterwards we prefer a personal meeting. If we are separated by too much distance, we exchange other designs, colour stencils, etc. by email. Then we draw up the final budget and after paying the deposit for the material we get to work.

Currently, the basic price of ROADBOAT is around 80,000 CZK.

The basic version includes storage pockets and a solar fan with a built-in battery, which allows air circulation even at night.

Of course, you can order a lot of accessories for the interior, such as pockets, organizers, LED lighting. You can install solar panels on the roof, which allows charging your phone, tablet, etc. This of course increases the price. However, you can buy the basic version and have all the accessories installed after a year, after you have tested your ROADBOAT properly…



The layout of our roadboat is easy:

As well as the composition:


We are a big family with a small car and we have always liked travelling. When there were four of us we could sleep in one car, even though it took almost half an hour to convert the interior into a sleeping version. With the arrival of the third baby we became a family of five, and we could either expand into a trailer or a roof. Luckily our car had hagus and this was our way. But the roof tent didn't seem like much. We wanted our "dweller" to have a door, windows, at least some solid walls and this was how the first version was made…

But it still was not perfect, because it did not have much storage space, it took a relatively long time to build (about 5 minutes) and it was still half a tent. And once you have a tent and you get wet once, twice, three times, you get wet there, no matter how expensive the version. And most importantly – you could not see the stars.

And that is how ROADBOAT was made – a roof dwelling without textile walls. It is blowproof and waterproof. It is cozy and safer inside than in a tent (you can lock the door from inside and outside). Through the panoramic ceiling window you can observe the surroundings or the night sky. At the same time, the whole ROADBOAT works as a storage box for your belongings and this saves space in the trunk of your car.

The advantage is that we have tested everything firsthand and fine-tuned all the details. We drive from spring to autumn and we wander with our ROADBOAT not only in the Czech basin – see photo…